MA321 Lab 7

Exponentiation and Applications


Exponentiation is a mathematical operation, written as \(b^n\), involving two numbers, the base \(b\) and the exponent or power \(n\). When \(n\) is a positive integer, \(b^n\) represents the \(n\) times repeated multiplication of the base \(b\), that is

\[b^{n}=\underbrace{b\times \cdots \times b}_{n},\]

and is pronounced as “\(b\) raised to the power of \(n\)”.

In Excel, \(b^n\) is calculated by the formula =b^n.

An Application of Exponentiation in Music

Make a table (see page 597 in the textbook) of the frequency of 2 octaves starting from middle C with a frequency of 260 cps. Use =260*1.05946^N for \(N\) half-steps over middle C. Your table may look like this:

half steps above middle C Note Frequency
0 C 260
1 C# 275.5
2 D 291.8

Solution: In a new worksheet, enter “half steps above middle C” in the cell A1, “Note” in the cell B1, and “Frequency” in the cell C1.

Enter 0, 1, 2 in the cells A2, A3 and A4. Then select A2 to A4 and use autofill to generate numbers up to 24.

Enter 260 in the cell C2 and the formula =260*1.05946^(N) in C3. Then use autofill to find frequencies for all notes within 2 octave above the middle C.

Enter the name of the notes in colum B and you will get the table.

An Application of Exponentiation in Investment

Make a table to represent the growth of your initial investment of $500 at 4% interest compounded annually for 10 years. Use =500*(1+0.04)^N for a formula. Your table may look like this:

Years Balance in $
0 500.00
1 520.00
2 540.80

How long would it take for your investment to grow to $800 or more?

Solution: In a new worksheet, enter “Years” in the cell A1 and “Balance(in $)”, in the cell B1.

Enter 0, 1, 2 in the cells A2, A3 and A4. Then select A2 to A4 and use autofill to generate numbers up to 10.

Enter 500 in the cell B2 and the formula =500*(1+0.04)^N in B3. Then use autofill to create formulas for each \(n\)-th year.

For the second part of the question, generate more rows until you see the balance near $800. You will see after 12 years, the balance will be over $800.

Remark: If one would like to apply for a loan $L, with the annual interests \(r\) compounded \(n\) times for t years, then the period payment is given by the formula =L(1+r/n)^(-n*t).

Lab Assignment 7

  1. Make a table of the frequency of 2 octaves starting from one octave below middle C with a frequency of 260 cps to one octaves above middle C. Use =260*1.05946^N for \(N\) half-steps over middle C.

    Hint: Put 0 for middle C in A13. Then -1 in A12, -2 in A11 and autofill (upward to A1). Put 1 in A14, 2 in A15 and then autofill (downward) to A25. Then generate the frequency using the formula =260*1.05946^N.

  2. (Optional) Make a table to represent the growth of your initial investment of $1000 at 4% interest compounded monthly for 20 years. Use =500*(1+0.04/12)^(12*N) for a formula, where \(N\) is the number of years.

    How long would it take for your investment to grow to $10,000?